About This Blog


This is Richie's journal he started keeping after his lady was killed in a plane crash in the original ending of Online. It takes place between the final chapter of that ending and the epilogue.

Before you get discouraged and click away, it's not doom-and-gloom; just a look into how Richie worked his way back from despair to hope.

For those of you who don't know, Online was the story where I wrote two endings -- the "regular" ending, which I loved, but everyone else, not so much because it was sad, and the "Happily Ever After" ending folks asked for. It was hard writing an alternate ending when I was happy with the original, but I did it.

For you.

'Cause I love you.

This, I did for me. Well, and for a writing challenge over on T's Place.

Anyway, hope you enjoy it!

You can cycle through the "older posts" below, or click the dates on the right for each post.

~ Hath